Make the most of your garden with a pond - not only will this make your garden look great, you will also be helping wildlife; bringing your garden to life!
Step 1 - Digging the hole for the pond
Dig down at least 2 foot in all parts of the pond, make sure you are digging out everything so its level and flat. If the total area of the pond is over 9 cubic metres (100 cubic feet), the water should be at least 60cm (2 feet) in the centre.
Step 2 - Checking the pond
Check inside the pond for any sharp stick or stones as this could pierce the lining, letting the water leak out of the pond and into the ground. Also check if the hole for the pond is level, you could do this by placing a sprit level over the top if see if its level or not. If your sprit level is not long enough to reach over the top, place a plank or a pole over the hole and place the spirit level on top of that.
Step 3 - Creating a drainage system
If you can dig a slope on one side of the pond, this will allow wildlife to get in and out of the pond. Make one part of a edge 50mm (2in) lower and add in a drain leading to a soakaway to stop the pond from overflowing.
Step 4 - Lining and filling your pond
Firstly fill the bottom of the pond with damp
sand - you need it to be 20mm deep around all part of the pond. This will cushion the liner and prevent it from being split. You can calculate the amount of liner you will need by using this simple formula. (Maximum length + twice depth) x (maximum width + twice depth). Place the lining down ensuring it reaches all corners in the hole. Once the lining is fitted, place bricks at the top on the lining to weigh it down, stopping it moving and blowing away. Then leave the liner in the sun for a few hours to warm and stretch to the shape of the pond. Then start to fill the pond with clean water, as the pond is filling slowly, one by one remove the bricks from the top, to ensure the liner fits nicely into the pond.
Step 5 - Decorate and your pond
Decorate the pond with various ornaments, surround it with shingle or whatever suits your fancy. This could be from planting vegetation around their pond or a placing a fishing gnome and giving him some friends!
Once everything is done, sit back, admire your hard work and watch the wildlife flourish in your garden!
For more information on materials for your pond project and to receive a free sample, please contact us.
Materials that could be used: